
Takeo Imai (今井健男)

Email: takeo.bono@gmail.com
GitHub: @bonotake
Twitter: @bonotake
LinkedIn: @takeo-imai-57985216
researchmap: bonotake

I’m a software engineer and a researcher at Idein Inc., where I’m currently tackling with verification of deep learning models and deep learning compilers (or “graph compilers”).
For the research, I’m jointly working with Ichiro Hasuo, Fuyuki Ishikawa, and other members in Erato MMSD project.

I received my Master’s degree from Akinori Yonezawa at University of Tokyo. Then, I had experienced several years of studying eagerly with Masami Hagiya. Once I was a visiting scientist at MIT, where Daniel Jackson and Michael Ernst co-hosted me.


Deep learning, formal methods, programming languages, maths, and logics.
